Tutor Groups

Within our Alternative Provision we have year group tutor groups. Our tutor programme provides robust age appropriate guidance and academic and pastoral monitoring. Students are encouraged to engage positively with each other and our tutors evoke a strong team spirit. Tutor time and guidance lessons operate at the start, middle and end of each day. Each tutor delivers a comprehensive programme to support our Intrinsic Curriculum - which builds our inclusive, caring culture and ethos and our Enhancement Curriculum - which fosters personal development and social understanding complementing our Academic curriculum. The tutor programme promotes and monitors attendance, conduct and praise and encourages students to engage in our wider Elective curriculum enrichment opportunities such as after school activities, sport and performance activities and trips and visits etc. Tutors engage tutees in subject quizzing and focus the development of wider organisational, literacy and numeracy skills etc. Tutors will ensure that all students understand our Alternative Provision Conduct Expectations (ACE) and value and understand the culture of safety, responsibility and respect and the ethos of pride, praise and purpose.